Sunday, May 5, 2024

"O Heilger Geist, du ewger" (#139)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
1 O Heilger Geist, du ewger Gott,
du höchster Tröster in der Noth,
von Herzensgrund ich ruf dich an,
wollst meine Bitt nicht fehlen lan.

2 Ach, sei mein Trost und Zuversicht,
laß mich in Sünd verzagen nicht,
wend ab von mir des Feindes List,
erhalt mich fest an Jesum Christ!

3 Daß ich demselben allezeit
treulich zu dienen sei bereit
und ihn in wahrem Glauben rein
erkenne für den Heiland mein.

4 Leit mich auf rechter ebner Bahn,
christlich mein Lebn zu stellen an,
daß ich nach dieser Sterblichkeit
erlangen mög die ewge Freud.

Barth. Helder, +1635.
My prose translation:
1 O Holy Ghost, You eternal God,
You highest Comforter in distress,
From the bottom of my heart, I call to You;
[You] will not let my petition be lacking.

2 Oh, be my comfort and confidence;
Let me not despair in sin;
Turn the foe's cunning away from me;
Keep me firmly in Jesus Christ!

3 So that I would always be ready
To serve the same always
And in true, pure faith
Recognize Him as my Savior.

4 Lead me on a right, level path,
To manage my life in a Christ-like way
So that after this mortality
I may attain the eternal joy.

Barth. Helder, +1635.
I had to shuffle some elements in the third verse to get a smoother translation.  I understood "rein" as a post-positive adjective modifying "Glauben" ("pure faith") (in the same way that "mein" is a post-positive adjective modifying "Heiland" in the following line), but it could also be an adverb modifying "erkenne" ("purely recognize").

As far as I can tell, this hymn isn't in The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, or The Lutheran Service Book.  According to the Gesangbuch, the text is sung to the tune "Herr Gott, dich loben alle."  Here's an arrangement from Telemann's Fast allgemeines Evangelisch-Musicalisches Lieder-Buch: