Sunday, February 4, 2024

"Der Heilge Geist hernieder" (#126)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
1 Der Heilge Geist hernieder kam,
der Apostel Herzen einnahm,
erfüllte sie mit seiner Gnad
und schenkt ihn'n vieler Sprahen Gab.

2 Er sandt sie aus mit gutem Rath,
zu predigen Gotts Wunderthat,
in Christ zu lehren Gottes Huld,
Vergebung aller Sünd und Schuld.

3 Ehr sei Gott in dem höchsten Thron,
dazu Christo, seim eingen Sohn,
der theil uns mit sein Heilgen Geist,
der uns regier zu aller Zeit.

Alte Uebersetzung des lateinischen Hymnus: Spiritus Sancti gratia.  Kürzere Form.
My prose translation:
1 The Holy Ghost came down here,
Occupied the hearts of the apostles,
Filled them with His mercy,
And gave them the gift of many languages.

2 He sent them out with good advice,
To preach God's miracles,
In Christ to teach God's grace,
Forgiveness of all sin and guilt.

3 Glory be to God on the highest throne,
Also to Christ, His only Son,
Who shares us with His Holy Ghost,
Who governs us for all time.

Old translation of the Latin hymn:  Spiritus Sancti gratia.  Shorter form.
As far as I can tell, this hymn isn't in The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, or The Lutheran Service Book.  According to the Gesangbuch, the text is sung to "its own tune."