Sunday, February 18, 2024

"Freut euch, ihr Christen alle, Gott schenkt" (#128)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
1 Freut euch, ihr Christen alle,
Gott schenkt uns seinen Sohn;
lobt ihn mit großem Schalle,
er schickt vom Himmelsthron
uns seinen werthen Geist,
der uns durchs Wort recht lehret,
des Glaubens Licht vermehret
und uns auf Christum weist.

2 Es lässet offenbaren Gott,
unser höchster Hort,
uns, die wir unweis waren,
das himmelische Wort.
Wie groß ist seine Güt!
Nun können wir ihn kennen
und unsern Vater nennen,
der uns allzeit behüt.

3 Verleih, daß wir dich lieben,
o Gott von großer Huld,
durch Sünd dich nicht betrüben,
vergib uns unsre Schuld.
Führ uns auf ebner Bahn,
hilf, daß wir dein Wort hören
und thun nach deinen Lehren,
das ist recht wohl gethan.

4 Von oben her uns sende
den Geist, den edlen Gast,
der stärke uns behende,
wenn uns drückt Kreuzeslast,
tröst uns in Todespein,
mach auf die Himmelsthüre,
uns mit einander führe
zu deinem Freudenschein.

Georg Werner, + 1643.
My prose translation:
1 Rejoice, all you Christians;
God gives us His Son;
Praise Him with a great sound;
He sends from the throne of Heaven
To us His worthy Spirit,
Who rightly teaches us through the Word,
Increases the light of faith,
And points us to Christ.

2 The divine Word
Makes God, our highest Good,
Evident to us,
Who were unwise.
How great is His goodness!
Now we can know Him
And call Him our Father,
Who always protects us.

3 Grant that we love You,
O God of great grace,
[And that we] do not grieve You by sin;
Forgive us our guilt.
Lead us on a level way;
Help that we hear Your Word
And do according to Your teaching;
That is truly well done.

4 From above send down to us
The Spirit, the noble Guest,
Who makes us strong
When the weight of the cross presses us;
Comfort us in the suffering of death;
Open the doors to Heaven;
Lead us with one an-other
To Your light of joy.

Georg Werner, + 1643.
I had to shuffle some elements in the second verse to get a smooth English translation.

I translated "hende" in the fourth verse as "makes" based more on context than anything else.  I couldn't really find a translation for it.

As far as I can tell, this hymn isn't in The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, or The Lutheran Service Book.  According to the Gesangbuch, the text is sung to the tune "Helft mir Gotts Güte pr[eisen]."  Here's an arrangement from TLH: