Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Also hat Gott die Welt gel." (#125)

This is the first hymn in a new section:  Pfingst-Lieder oder Lieder von der Ausgießung des Heiligen Geistes  (Pentecost Songs or Songs for the Pouring Out of the Holy Ghost)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
1 Also hat Gott von Ewigkeit
die Welt herzlich geliebet,
die doch durch Satans List und Neid
mit Abfall ihn betrübet.
Dennoch ließ seine Lieb nicht ab,
so gar, daß er das Best ihr gab,
das im Himmel zu finden.

2 Dies war sein eingeborner Sohn,
sein allerliebstes Erbe,
den sandt er von des Himmels Thron,
für diese Welt zu sterben,
auf daß ich, du und jedermann,
der ihn im Glauben siehet an,
nicht möcht verloren werden.

3 Besondern, daß nach dieser Zeit
er mit ihm ewig lebe,
wie andre auserwählte Leut,
in lauter Freuden schwebe;
denn Gott hat darum nicht gesandt
sein Sohn, den einigen Heiland,
daß er die Welt soll richten.

4 Wer sich zur Buße zu ihm kehrt,
beständig an ihn gläubet,
dem wird zu Theil, was er begehrt,
das Himmelreich ihm bleibet;
er wird nicht kommen ins Gericht,
den ewgen Tod auch schmecken nicht,
sondern ins Leben gehen.

5 Wer aber an ihn gläubet nicht,
derselb wird gehen müssen
an jenem Tage vor Gericht
und ewig müssen büßen,
was er hie Böses hat vollbracht,
Gott und sein heilig Wort veracht,
welchs ihn zur Höll verdammet.

6 O Jesu Christe, Gottes Sohn,
wir danken dir von Herzen
für deine Pein und Marterkron,
für deine Todesschmerzen,
dadurch du uns erlöset hast
vons Teufels G'walt und schwerer Last
des Todes und der Sünden.

7 Ein starken Glauben uns verleih,
den schwachen in uns mehre;
hilf, daß niemand ungläubig sei,
die Irrenden bekehre.
Gib Gnad, daß wir von deim Gericht
bestehen und dein Angesicht
ohn Unterlaß anschauen.
My prose translation:
1 From eternity God has
So sincerely loved the world,
Which yet through Satan's cunning and envy
Grieved Him with rubbish.
Nevertheless, He did not cease His love,
[But] He even gave to it the best
That was to be found in Heaven.

2 This was His only-begotten Son,
His dearest Heir,
Whom He sent from the throne of Heaven
To die for this world
So that I, you, and everyone
Who looks on Him in faith
May not be lost.

3 Especially that after this time
He lives with Him eternally,
Like other chosen people,
[And] soars in loud joy;
For it was not for the purpose that He should judge the world
That God has sent His Son,
The only Savior.

4 Who turns to Him in repentance,
Believes in Him continually,
Will have a share of what he desires;
The kingdom of Heaven remains his;
He will not go on trial,
Nor taste eternal death,
But rather go into life.

5 Who, however, does not believe in Him
Will have to go
To trial on that day
And must eternally pay for
What evil he has done here;
God and His holy word despises
That which condemned him to hell.

6 O Jesus Christ, God's Son,
We thank You from the heart
For Your suffering and the torturing crown,
For Your pains of death,
By which You have redeemed us
From the power of the devil and the heavy burden
Of death and of sins.

7 Give us a strong faith;
Augment the weak in us;
Help that no one would be unbelieving;
Reclaim the wandering ones.
Grant mercy that we pass
Before Your trial and
Look at Your face without ceasing.
My translation of the second half of the third verse is a bit unwieldy (and I shuffled some of the lines), but I wanted to make sure I had an accurate rendering, specifically that I negated the purpose clause ("That He should judge the world") and not the main verb ("God has sent His Son"), which is an error I frequently see.

As far as I can tell, this hymn isn't in The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, or The Lutheran Service Book.  According to the Gesangbuch, the text is sung to the tune "Nun freut euch, lieben Chr[isten]."  Here's the arrangement from TLH:

And here's an arrangement from Telemann's Fast allgemeines Evangelisch-Musicalisches Lieder-Buch: