Sunday, October 15, 2023

"Jesus Christus, unser Heiland, der den" (#110)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
1 Jesus Christus, unser Heiland,
der den Tod überwand,
ist auferstanden,
die Sünd hat er gefangen,
Kyrie eleison.

2 Der ohn Sünden war geborn,
trug für uns Gottes Zorn,
hat uns versöhnet,
daß uns Gott sein Huld gönnet,
Kyrie eleison.

3 Tod, Sünd, Leben und Genad,
alls in Händen er hat.
Er kann erretten
alle, die zu ihm treten,
Kyrie eleison.

Dr. M. Luther, 1524.
My prose translation:
1 Jesus Christ, our Savior,
Who has conquered death,
Is risen from the dead;
He has trapt sin,
Kyrie eleison.

2 He Who was born without sin
Bore God's wrath for us,
Has reconciled us
So that God allows us His favor,
Kyrie eleison.

3 Death, sin, life, and mercy,
All these He has in His hands.
He can save
All who walk to Him,
Kyrie eleison.

Dr. M. Luther, 1524.
As far as I can tell, this hymn isn't in The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, or The Lutheran Service Book.  According to the Gesangbuch, the text is sung to "its own tune."  Here's an arrangement from Telemann's Fast allgemeines Evangelisch-Musicalisches Lieder-Buch: