Sunday, January 30, 2022

"Gelobet seist du, Jesu Chr." (#21)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ,
daß du Mensch geboren bist
von einer Jungfrau, das ist wahr,
deß freuet sich der Engel Schar.

Des ewgen Vaters einig Kind
jetzt man in der Krippen findt,
in unser armes Fleisch und Blut
verkleidet sich das ewig Gut.

Den aller Weltkreis nie beschloß,
der liegt in Marien Schoß,
er ist ein Kindlein worden klein,
der alle Ding erhält allein.

Das ewig Licht geht da herein,
gibt der Welt ein neuen Schein,
es leucht wohl mitten in der Nacht
und uns des Lichtes Kinder macht.

Der Sohn des Vaters, Gott von Art,
ein Gast in der Welt hie ward
und führt uns aus dem Jammerthal,
er macht uns Erben in seim Sal.

Er ist auf Erden kommen arm,
daß er unser sich erbarm
und in dem Himmel macht reich
und seinen lieben Engeln gleich.

Das hat er alles uns gethan,
sein groß Lieb zu zeigen an,
des freu sich alle Christenheit
und dank ihm des in Ewigkeit.

V. 1 aus dem 15. Jahrhundert,
V. 2-7 Dr. M. Luther, 1524.
My prose translation:
May You be praised, Jesus Christ
That You are born man
Of a virgin, that is true,
Therefore the angel host rejoices.
Kyrie eleison.

The only child of the eternal Father
Now one finds in the manger
In our poor flesh and blood
The eternal good clothes Himself.
Kyrie eleison.

He Who never ends the whole orbit of the world
Lays in Mary's lap,
He is become a little child
Who alone maintains all things.
Kyrie eleison.

The eternal light goes in there,
Gives to the world a new appearance,
It shines well in the middle of the night
And makes us children of the light.
Kyrie eleison.

The Son of the Father, God by nature
Became a guest here in the world
And led us out of the vale of tears
He makes us heirs in His hall.
Kyrie eleison.

He is come on the earth poor
To have pity on us
And make us rich in Heaven
And like His dear angels.
Kyrie eleison.

All this He has done for us
To display His great love
Therefore rejoice, all Christendom
And thank Him in eternity.
Kyrie eleison.

Verse 1 from the 15th century
Verses 2-7 Dr. Martin Luther, 1524.
"Schein" has two different meanings (glow, light, shine or appearance, look), and either could work in the context ("gibt der Welt ein neuen Schein").  I went with appearance.

"Und uns des Lichtes Kinder macht" (and makes us children of the light) may be a reference to part of Ephesians 5:8:  "Walk as children of light."

I couldn't decipher the meaning of the second "des" in the last verse (the first seems to be an abbreviation of "deshalb"), but I don't think leaving it out affects the meaning too much.

This hymn appears as "All Praise to Thee, Eternal God" in The Lutheran Hymnal (#80), "We Praise, O Christ, Your Holy Name" in Lutheran Worship (#35), and "We Praise You, Jesus, at Your Birth" in The Lutheran Service Book (#382).  The TLH and LW versions are abbreviated, but the LSB version has all seven verses.  In all three hymnals and as the Gesangbuch notes, the text is sung to "its own melody."  Here's the TLH arrangement: