Sunday, January 2, 2022

"Der Tag der ist so freudenr." (#17)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
Der Tag der ist so freudenreich
aller Kreature,
denn Gottes Sohn vom Himmelreich
über die Nature
von einer Jungfrau ist geborn;
Maria, du bist auserkorn,
daß du Mutter wärest.
Was geschah so wunderlich?
- Gottes Sohn vom Himmelreich
der ist Mensch geboren.

Ein Kindelein so löbelich
ist uns geboren heute
von einer Jungfrau säuberlich
zu Trost uns armen Leuten;
wär uns das Kindlein nicht geborn,
so wärn wir allzumal verlorn,
das Heil ist unser aller.
Ei, du süßer Jesu Christ!
daß du Mensch geboren bist
behüt uns vor der Hölle.

Als die Sonn durchscheint das Glas
mit ihrem klaren Scheine,
und doch nicht versehret das,
so merket allgemeine,
zu gleicher Weis geboren ward
von einerJungfrau rein und zart
Gottes Sohn der werthe.
In ein Kripp ward er geleit,
große Marter für uns leidt
hie auf dieser Erden.

Die Hirten auf dem Felde warn
erfuhren neue Mähre
von den englischen Scharn,
wie Christ geboren wäre,
ein König übr all König groß;
Herod' die Red gar sehr verdroß,
aussandt er seine Boten
Ei, wie gar ein flasche List
erdacht er wider Jesum Christ,
die Kindlein ließ er tödten.

Verdeutschung des Hymnus: Dies est laetitiae.  Schon vor der Reformation in Gebrauch.
My prose translation
The day that is so joyful
For all creatures
For God's Son from Heaven,
Higher than nature,
Of a virgin is born.
Mary, you are chosen
That you would become a mother.
What is so strange that happened?
- God's Son from Heaven,
He is born as a human being.

A little child so praise worthy
Is born for us to-day
Of a virgin pure
For the comfort of us poor people;
Were the little child not born to us,
We would be lost for all time
The salvation is for us all.
O, You sweet Jesus Christ!
That You are born as a human being,
Protect us from hell.

As the sun shines through the glass
With its clear light
And is not dimmed
So everyone notices
In the same way was born
Of a virgin pure and gentle
God's dear Son.
To a manger He was directed
Great torment for us suffered
Here on this earth.

The shepherds in the field were
Told new stories
By the angelic hosts,
How Christ would be born
A great King over all kings;
The talk greatly annoyed Herod,
He send out his messengers
Oh, what a false trick
He devised against Jesus Christ,
He had the little children put to death.

German translation of the hymn The Day Is of Joy.  In use even before the Reformation.
I'm not entirely sure that I translated "Mähre" correctly.  All translations I could find for this word had to do with horses, which obviously doesn't fit the context.  I think it's an-other instance of older German words being spelt differently; a modern rendering would be Mär (Mären in the plural).

It's a bit unclear what "groß" in the line "ein König übr all König groß" is modifying.  I took it as a post-positive adjective modifying the first "König" (A great King over all kings), but I think it could also modify the second "König" (A King over all great kings).  The second "König" is plural, but the -e of Könige (and alle) is omitted, apparently for metrical reasons.

The hymn appears as "Hail the Day So Rich in Cheer" in The Lutheran Hymnal (#78), although this  contains only the first two verses.  The Gesangbuch notes that this text is sung to "its own melody," and this is also what it's paired with in TLH: