Sunday, March 17, 2024

"Komm, Gott Schöpfer" (#132)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
1 Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist,
besuch das Herz der Menschen dein,
mit Gnaden sie füll, wie du weißt,
daß dein Geschöpf vorhin sein.

2 Denn du bist der Tröster genannt,
des Allerhöchsten Gabe theur,
ein geistlich Salb an uns gewandt,
ein lebend Brunn, Lieb und Feur.

3 Zünd uns ein Licht an im Verstand,
gib uns ins Herz der Liebe Brunst,
das schwach Fleisch in uns, dir bekannt,
erhalt fest dein Kraft und Gunst.

4 Du bist mit Gaben siebenfalt
der Finger an Gotts rechter Hand;
des Vaters Wort gibst du gar bald
mit Zungen in alle Land.

5 Des Feindes List treib von uns fern,
den Fried schaff bei uns deine Gnad,
daß wir deim Leiten folgen gern
und meiden der Seelen Schad.

6 Lehr uns den Vater kennen wohl,
dazu Jesum Christ seinen Sohn,
daß wir des Glaubens werden voll,
dich, beider Geist zu verstohn.

7 Gott Vater sei Lob und dem Sohn,
der von den Todten auferstund,
dem Tröster sei dasselb gethon,
in Ewigkeit alle Stund.

Aus dem Lateinischen aufs neue verdeutscht durch Dr. M. Luther, 1524.
(Erste Verdeutschung im 12ten oder 13ten Jahrhundert.)
My prose translation:
1 Come, Creator God, Holy Ghost,
Visit the heart of Your people,
Fill them with mercy, as You know
Your creation to have been formerly.

2 For You are called the Comforter,
The dear Gift of the Most High,
A spiritual Salve directed to us,
A living Spring, Love, and Fire.

3 Ignite for us a light in the mind;
Give to us a desire for love in the heart;
[Grant that] the weak flesh in us, known to You,
Firmly keeps your strength and goodwill.

4 With gifts sevenfold, You are
The finger on God's right hand;
You give the word of the Father quite soon
With tongues in all lands.

5 Drive the cunning of the foe far from us;
Cause peace in us [by] Your mercy
So that we gladly follow Your direction
And avoid harm to the soul.

6 Teach us to know the Father well
And Jesus Christ His Son
So that we become full of faith,
Also to understand You, Spirit.

7 To God the Father be praise and to the Son,
Who rose from the dead;
To the Comforter be done the same,
In eternity, all time.

Newly translated into German from the Latin by Dr. M. Luther, 1524.
(First German translation in the 12th or 13th century.)
I'm not very confident in some parts of my translation of the third verse, particularly the second line.

I had some troubles with the last half of the sixth verse, too.  "Verstohen" seems to be an alteration of verstehen so that it rhymes with "Sohn" from earlier in the verse (just as "gethon" is an alteration of "gethan" to rhyme with "Sohn" in the following verse), and "beider" seems to mean more also or and than both.

This hymn appears as "Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest" in The Lutheran Hymnal (#233) and The Lutheran Service Book (#498) and as "Creator Spirit, Heavenly Dove" in Lutheran Worship (#156), although in all, the third and fourth verses are flipt compared to what's in the Gesangbuch.  All the hymnals pair the text with "its own tune," as the Gesangbuch notes.  Here's the arrangement from TLH:

And here's an arrangement from Telemann's Fast allgemeines Evangelisch-Musicalisches Lieder-Buch: