Sunday, September 26, 2021

"Amen! wir habn gehöret" (#3)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
Amen! wir habn gehöret,
was uns Gott hat gelehret,
der Heilge Geist von oben :,: :,:
versiegl es in uns, Amen. :,:

Amen! Gott sei gepreiset,
der Geist auf Christum weiset,
der helf uns allzusammen :,: :,:
ins ewge Leben, Amen. :,:

Um 1600.
My prose translation:
Amen! we have heard,
What God has taught us,
The Holy Ghost from above :,: :,:
Seal it in us, Amen. :,:

Amen! God be praised,
The Spirit shows the way to Christ,
Who helps us altogether :,: :,:
Into eternal life, Amen. :,:

Around 1600
I don't know what :,: indicates.

As far as I can tell, this text isn't present in The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, or The Lutheran Service Book.