Sunday, September 12, 2021

"Allein Gott in der Höh sei" (#1)

German text from the Gesangbuch:
Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr
und Dank für seine Gnade,
darum daß nun und nimmermehr
uns rühren kann kein Schade;
ein Wohlgefalln Gott an uns hat,
nun ist groß Fried ohn Unterlaß,
all Fehd hat nun ein Ende.

Wir loben, preisn, anbeten dich,
für deine Ehr wir danken,
daß du, Gott Vater, ewiglich
regierst ohn alles Wanken;
ganz ungemessn ist deine Macht,
fort g'schicht, was dein Will hat bedacht;
wohl uns des seinen Herren!

O Jesu Christ! Sohn eingeborn
deines himmlischen Vaters,
Versöhner der, die warn verlorn,
du Stiller unsers Haders;
Lamm Gottes, heilger Herr und Gott,
nimm an die Bitt von unsrer Noth,
erbarm dich unser aller!

O Heilger Geist, du höchstes Gut,
du allerheilsamst Tröster,
fürs Teufels G'walt fortan behüt,
die Jesus Christ erlöset
durch große Martr und bittern Tod,
abwend all unsern Jammr und Noth;
darzu wir uns verlassen.
Nikolaus Decius, (?) 1529.
I had a bit of trouble translating some phrases, and because I didn't want to include an erroneous translation, I simply put the German in brackets and italics:
To God alone in the highest be honor
And thanks for his mercy
That now and forevermore no harm can touch us
God has [given] us a satisfaction
Now there is great peace unceasingly
All feud now has an end.

We praise, extol, worship You;
For Your honor we thank [You]
That You, God Father, eternally
Reign without any wavering;
Quite unmeasured in Your might
[Fort g'schicht] what Your will has considered;
[Wohl uns des feinen Herren!]

O Jesus Christ!  Only-begotten son
Of Your heavenly Father,
Reconciler of those who were lost,
You calmer of our quarrelling;
Lamb of God, holy Lord and God,
Accept the petition of our need,
Have pity on us all!

O Holy God, You highest Good,
You all-salutary comforter,
[Fürs Teufels G'walt fortan behüt]
That Jesus Christ redeems
Through great torment and bitter death,
Turn away all of our misery and need;
On that we depend.
This hymn appears as "All Glory Be to God on High" in The Lutheran Hymnal (#237), Lutheran Worship (#215), and The Lutheran Service Book (#947).  Each hymnal has a different translation.

In my recordings, I haven't gotten to #237 in The Lutheran Hymnal yet, but the tune "Allein Gott in der Höh'" is also used for #33 ("The Lord Hath Helped Me Hitherto") and #110 ("Across the Sky the Shades of Night").