Sunday, July 21, 2024

"Was alle Weisheit in der" (#150)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
1 Was alle Weisheit in der Welt
bei uns hier kaum kann lallen,
das läßt Gott aus dem Himmelszelt
in alle Welt erschallen:
daß er alleine König sei,
hoch über alle Götter,
groß, mächtig, freundlich, fromm und treu
der Frommen Schutz und Retter,
Ein Wesen, drei Personen.

2 Gott Vater, Sohn und Heilger Geist
heißt sein hochheilger Name;
so kennt, so nennt, so rühmt und preist
ihn der gerechte Same:
Gott Abraham, Gott Isaak,
Gott Jakob, den er liebet,
Herr Zebaoth, der Nacht und Tag
uns alle Gaben gibet
und Wunder thut allein.

3 Der Vater hat von Ewigkeit
den Sohn, sein Bild, gezeuget;
der Sohn hat in der Füll der Zeit
im Fleische sich eräuget;
der Geist geht ohne Zeit herfür
vom Vater und vom Sohne,
mit beiden gleicher Ehr und Zier,
gleich ewig, gleicher Krone
und ungetheilter Stärke.

4 Sieh hier, mein Herz, das ist dein Gut,
dein Schatz, dem keiner gleichet;
das ist dein Freund, der alles thut,
was dir zum Heil gereichet;
der dich gebaut nach seinem Bild,
für deine Schuld gebüßet,
der dich mit wahrem Glauben füllt
und all dein Kreuz durchsüßet
mit seinem heilgen Worte.

5 Erhebe dich, steig zu ihm zu
und lern ihn recht erkennen,
denn solch Erkenntniß bringt die Ruh
und macht die Seele brennen
in reiner Liebe, die uns nährt
zum ewgen Freudenleben,
da, was hier unser Ohr gehört,
Gott wird zu schauen geben
den Augen seiner Kinder.

6 Weh aber dem verstockten Heer,
das sich hier selbst verblendet,
Gott von sich stößt und seine Ehr
auf Kreaturen wendet!
Dem wird gewiß des Himmels Thür
einmal verschlossen bleiben;
denn wer Gott von sich treibt allhier,
den wird er dort auch treiben
von seinem heilgen Throne.

7 Ei nun, so gib, du großer Held,
Gott Himmels und der Erden,
daß alle Menschen in der Welt
zu dir bekehret werden.
Erleuchte, was verblendet geht,
bring wieder, was verirret,
reiß aus, was uns im Wege steht
und freventlich verwirret
die Schwachen in dem Glauben.

8 Auf daß wir also allzugleicht
zur Himmelspforten dringen
und dermaleins in deinem Reicht
ohn alles Ende singen:
daß du alleine König seist,
hoch über alle Götter,
Gott Vater, Sohn und Heilger Geist,
der Frommen Schutz und Retter,
Ein Wesen, drei Personen.

Paul Gerhardt, 1666.
My prose translation:
1 What all the wisdom in the world
With us here can hardly babble
God lets resound out of the tent of Heaven
In all the world:
That He alone is King,
High above all gods,
Great, mighty, friendly, gentle, and true,
Protection and Deliverer of the pious,
One Being, three Persons.

2 God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Is His most holy Name;
Thus knows, thus calls, thus extols and praises
Him the righteous offspring:
The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac,
The God of Jacob, whom He loves,
The Lord of hosts, Who night and day
Gives us all gifts
And alone does wonders.

3 The Father has from eternity
Begotten the Son, His Image;
The Son has in the fullness of time
Made Himself visible in the flesh;
The Spirit proceeds without time
From the Father and from the Son,
With both equal in glory and adornment,
Equally eternaly, of equal crown,
And undivided strength.

4 Look here, my heart; that is your Good,
Your Treasure, to Whom no one compares;
That is your Friend, Who does everything
That gives you salvation;
Who made you according to His image,
Atones for your guilt,
Who fills you with true faith
And sweetens all your cross
With His holy word.

5 Rise, go up to Him
And learn to recognize Him rightly
For such knowledge brings peace
And makes the soul burn
In pure love, which nurtures us
For the eternal life of joy
Where what our ear has heard here
God will give to look upon
To the eyes of his children.

6 But woe to the impenitent crowd
That blinds itself here,
Trusts God from itself,
And assigns His glory to creatures!
Certainly to it will the door of Heaven
Later remain closed;
For whoever drives God from himself here
Will He there also drive
From his holy throne.

7 Oh, now, so grant, You great Champion,
God of Heaven and of the earth,
That all people in the world
Will be converted to You.
Enlighten those who walk blindly,
Bring back those who stray,
Tear out that which stands in our way
And wickedly bewilders
The weak in faith.

8 So that we thus altogether
Reach the gates of Heaven
And once in your kingdom
Sing without any end:
That You alone are King,
High above all gods,
God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
Protection and Deliverer of the pious,
One Being, three Persons.

Paul Gerhardt, 1666.
I don't know why the clauses "daß er alleine König sei" in the first verse and "daß du alleine König seist" in the eight have subjective verbs ("that He alone would be King," "that You alone would be King"), unless it's just to set up the rhymes with "treu" and "Geist."  In my translation, I rendered them as a regular indicatives ("that He alone is King," "that You alone are King").

I think it's interesting that in the line "Ein Wesen, drei Personen" at the end of the first and eighth verses, "Ein" is capitalized to mark it as the numeral (one) rather than the indefinite article (a).

I couldn't find a translation for "eräuget" in the third verse.  I translated it as "made visible" based partly on the word's resemblance to Augen (eye) and partly on the context, which seems to draw from Galatians 4:4:  "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law."

Usually, I would translate "wendet" as "turns," but that didn't quite fit the context here (in verse 6).  Instead, I translated it as "assigns" ("And assigns His glory to creatures!").

I couldn't find a translation for "dermaleins" in the eighth verse.  I translated it as "once" (the conjunction, not the adverb) based more on the context and to some degree on the word's constituent parts, too.

As far as I can tell, this hymn isn't in The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, or The Lutheran Service Book.  According to the Gesangbuch, the text is sung to the tune "Christ, unser Herr, zum J[ordan kam]."  Here's an arrangement from Telemann's Fast allgemeines Evangelisch-Musicalisches Lieder-Buch: