Sunday, August 14, 2022

"Das neugeborne Kindelein" (#49)

German text in the Gesangbuch:
Das neugeborne Kindelein,
das herzeliebe Jesulein,
bringt abermals ein neues Jahr
der auserwählten Christenschar.

Des freuen sich die Engelein,
die gerne um und bei uns sein,
und singen in den Lüften frei,
daß Gott mit uns versöhnet sei.

Ist Gott versöhnt und unser Freund,
was kann uns thun der arge Feind?
Trotz Teufel und der Höllen Pfort
das Jesulein ist unser Hort.

Er bright das rechte Jubeljahr,
was trauern wir denn immerdar?
Frisch auf, jetzt ist es Singenszeit,
das Jesulein wendt alles Leid.

M. Cyriacus Schneegas, + 1598.
My prose translation:
The new-born Child,
The lovely Jesus,
Brings once again a new year
Of the chosen company of Christians.

Therefore the angels rejoice,
Who are gladly around and with us,
And sing freely in the air
That God would be reconciled with us.

If God is reconciled and our friend,
What can the evil foe do to us?
Despite the devil and the door of hell,
Jesus is our refuge.

He brings the true jubilee year
What will we ever mourn then?
Revive, now it is time for singing
Jesus turns away all sorrow.

M. Cyriacus Schneegas, + 1598.
I'm not quite sure how "Jubeljahr" in the fourth verse is meant to be understood.  It could be a more generic use of "jubilee," or it could refer to the jubilee year detailed in Leviticus 25:8-22.

As far as I can tell, this hymn isn't present in The Lutheran Hymnal, Lutheran Worship, or The Lutheran Service Book.  According to the Gesangbuch, the text is sung to "its own melody."